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Weathering steel: Is it safe to use in gardens?
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In recent years, weathering steel has been used more and more as a viable material for home gardening and commercial landscaping. Because it is a weathering steel, it has a protective patina that is resistant to corrosion, giving it a variety of uses and a desirable aesthetic quality.

Naturally, there has been a general interest in weathering steel and weathering steel. While these concerns are not unfounded, barring atmospheric corrosion -- which we'll get to later -- the mechanical properties of corT-Ten steel alloys make the material ideal for plant growth in most weather.

In this article, we will discuss this topic. We'll talk about what weathering steel is, and rust and corrosion. We will then discuss weathering steel cultivation and best practices associated with it. So if you want to know if weathering steel is right for you, read this article!

What is weathering steel?

Weathering steel is a chromium-copper alloy weathering steel, which relies on wetting and drying cycles to establish a protective layer of rust. Over time, it changes color, starting with an orange-red color and ending with a purplish patina. While most people have negative associations with rust, in this case it is the time required to develop the correct appearance and seal, developing a layer to protect the rest of the material from corrosion. In fact, weathering steel is very resistant to corrosion and has been used in famous construction projects such as the broadcast tower in Leeds, UK.

Colton ASTM designation

The original CORT-Ten A received the American Institute of Testing and Materials standard designation for low alloy, high strength, and high corrosion resistance. The new ASTM grade for Weathering steel B has the same properties, but has received a standard designation indicating that it can be manufactured and used for sheets. The metals that make up weathering steel are copper, chromium, manganese and nickel.

Difference between Corten and Redcor

One connection worth explaining is the difference between weathering steel and red steel. Corn - Ten is a hot-rolled steel alloy used in the railway and shipping industries. Red steel is a weathering steel, but it is cold rolled rather than hot rolled. This cold roll helps stabilize the chemical composition of the sheet forming, keeping it more uniform from the product.

Difference between weathering steel A and weathering steel B

Let's also discuss the difference between weathering steel A and weathering steel B. They are essentially the same material, but weathering steel A, or the original weathering steel -TEN, has added phosphorus to make it more useful in building facades and smoke. Weathering STEEL B is a weathered steel, without this additional component, more suitable for large structures. There are other subtle changes between the chemical composition of the two corten steels, but it is worth noting that corten A was not used in the development of the Bodie Corten planter.

One interesting part of the development of these planters is that they can grow food completely safely. Iron oxide released into the soil during rusting is non-toxic and will not adversely affect plants
Understand the weathering steel planter 2022-Jul-20
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