Home » Planter Pot » Classical Corten Steel Planter With Unique Rust-like Color

Classical Corten Steel Planter With Unique Rust-like Color

Some pots offer the methodical appeal of modern quad minimalism, while others offer some character with low-ball traditional craftsmanship. And AHL’s Corten Steel Metal Planters offer a unique blend of the two, while allowing your eyes to appreciate the soft curves and subtle tapers. This elegant rust-colored planter is an excellent addition to inject elegance into any interior or exterior—whether it’s a unique rust color or a classic shape. AHL’s metal planters can be arranged or used individually to define a space – for example, in a beautiful garden or in a corner.

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AHL corten steel planters are made of a kind of weathering steel that called the corten steel,the surface of this steel can develop the rust-like color,and it is a dense oxide.This dense oxide can protect its inside from corrosion.So you can using the corten steel planters for a extremely long lasting.


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